PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2022 Program| PEEF Scholarship 2022 for Intermediate and Graduation Students
PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2022 Program| PEEF Scholarship 2022 for Intermediate and Graduation Students
PEEF special quota scholarship 2022 for intermediate and graduation student is a scholarship program offered by the Punjab province government. This PEEF program provide scholarship to the students of intermediate level study and to the students of bachelor or graduation level study. This scholarship program is organized for the deserving and hardworking students to pursue their further study program. However PEEF scholarship program is also available to the students of master level study.
Students who have cleared their matric level study and want to study in intermediate level can apply for this scholarship program. In the same way students who have cleared their intermediate level study and want to study in graduation level program can also apply for the PEEF special quota scholarship program 2022. PEEF special quota scholarship 2022 is a need based scholarship program for the talented students.
PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2022 Overview:
· Institution offering scholarship: Punjab Education Endowment Fund (PEEF).
· Study program: For intermediate and graduation program.
· Scholarship coverage: Tuition fee and stipend.
PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2022 Eligibility Criteria:
You must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered for this scholarship program:
1. You can apply for this scholarship program if you meet the mentioned below eligibility criteria:
2. If you are a student of Punjab province and hold the domicile of Punjab province then you are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
3. Student must secured 60% marks in matriculation if applying for this scholarship program.
4. Student must secured 60% marks in intermediate if applying for this scholarship program.
5. Student must be a full time enrolled student of the partner institution.
6. Children of BPS 1-4 are also eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
7. You should not be receiving any scholarship benefits from any other institution.
8. Special and orphan students are also eligible and are given high priority.
9. If you are student belonging from minority group you are also eligible to apply.
10. Children of martyrs are also given high preferences.
PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2022 Ineligibility Criteria:
Following students will not be considered eligible for this scholarship program:
· Students from province other than Punjab are not eligible for this scholarship program.
· If you have passed the examination under TEVTA/PBTE your application will not be considered.
· If you have passed the examination with graced marks then you are not eligible.
· If you have passed the examination with supplementary exams then you are also not eligible for this scholarship program.
Read Also PEEF Master Level Scholarship 2022 Program
PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2022 Benefits:
Following are the benefits provided to the students who are selected for this scholarship program:
· Student tuition fee is waived off.
· A specific amount of stipend is given to the student.
· This scholarship is given to the student in the form of installments.
Documents Required For The PEEF Scholarship 2022:
Following list of documents are required to apply for this scholarship program:
1. Academic result card of last examination passed.
2. Fee voucher which you have paid.
3. Any special form if required to show the disability.
4. PEEF scholarship affidavit form.
5. PEEF scholarship from which you may get from the institution in which you are enrolled.
6. Guardian income statement if required.
How to Apply For PEEF 2022 Special Quota Scholarship?
In order to apply for the PEEF special quota scholarship you have to follow these steps:
1. Get the PEEF scholarship application form. You can get this form from your institution and from the PEEF official website.
2. Get the PEEF scholarship affidavit form. You can get this form from the PEEF official website.
3. Fill the PEEF scholarship application form clearly.
4. Attach your last passed academic result card.
5. Attach all the necessary and required documents if required other than the result card.
6. Submit your complete application to your institution if you are applying from your institution or to the PEEF institution address.
PEEF Scholarship 2022 Program Deadline:
The last date to apply for the PEEF scholarship 2022 for the special quota scholarship is 31st march 2022. So make sure you prepare your application well and within time to be get eligible for this scholarship program. All the interested students must submit their scholarship application before the deadline to be considered eligible for this scholarship program.
Where to Apply For PEEF Scholarship 2022?
If you want to get more information about the PEEF scholarship 2022 you can visit PEEF official website for more information here.