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Daewoong Foundation Scholarship Program 2023 Applications | Daewoong Global Scholarship Program 2023 Applications

Daewoong Global Scholarship Program 2023 Applications

Daewoong global scholarship program 2023 is a scholarship opportunity program organized by the Daewoong foundation for the international students who are studying in Korea. Daewoong foundation global scholarship program is a good opportunity for the international student studying at the South Korean universities who have the potential to become the global leaders.

Daewoong global scholarship program also provides international students the opportunity to pursue their career after completing their degree program. International students who got selected for this scholarship program will also get the chance to get the experience of working in a company.

Daewoong GSP 2023 Overview:

·         Scholarship hosting country: South Korea.

·         Institution hosting scholarship: Daewoong Foundation.

·         Who can apply: International students studying in Korea.

·         Scholarship degree program: Undergraduate and Graduate degree program international students.

Daewoong Global Scholarship Program (GSP) 2023 Coverage:

International students studying in Korea can get number of scholarship benefits if they got selected for this scholarship program. This scholarship program covers:

·         Students will get the monthly scholarship during their semester.

·         Applicant will get the opportunity to work on company project and gain their work experience.

·         During semester students can participate in company working experience program.

·         Students get a job recommendation.

·         Student who perform well, so a letter of recommendation will be given to good students.

·         There are number of programs for career development for students.

·         Students can get the advantage when they are applying for the job at Daewoong.

Check: Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) 2023 For Undergraduate Program Applications

Eligibility Criteria Of Daewoong Foundation Global Scholarship Program 2023:

Students who want to participate in this scholarship program and want to submit their scholarship application have to meet the following eligibility criteria:

·         Students applying for the scholarship program must have good communication skills in Korean or English language.

·         You have to be fluent in Korean language and have good Korean culture understanding.

·         Students have to be enrolled in the Korean universities when applying for the scholarship program.

·         Applicant should have excellent academic record.

·         Students studying undergraduate or graduate degree program at Korean universities.

Documents Required For Daewoong Foundation (GSP) Scholarship Program 2023:

When applying for the scholarship program students have to submit the following list of documents in their scholarship application:

·         Scholarship application form written in Korean and English language.

·         A reference from a student referee for recommendation.

·         Student certificate of enrollment which must be issued within one month before student apply for the scholarship program.

·         Candidate academic transcript.

·         You also have to submit the application video.

·         The application video to include two videos of not more than 5 minutes both in Korean and English language.

·         In the application video students have to give introduction about themselves, have to explain why they are applying for this scholarship program, what are their future plan, and what talent do they have.

Daewoong GSP Scholarship 2023 Selection Procedure:

Once the students apply for the scholarship program their applications are evaluated. The selection procedure for Daewoong GSP scholarship 2023 is:

·         Applicant submit the application for scholarship program.

·         The application is evaluated for the eligibility criteria.

·         The applicants are selected for the interview.

·         At last the successful students got selected for the scholarship program.

How To Apply For The Daewoong GSP Scholarship 2023:

Students who want to apply for the Daewoong foundation global scholarship program have to apply online. The application submission process is online so students have to submit their application documents online.

Check: GKS Scholarship 2023 Graduate Program

Daewoong Global Scholarship Program 2023 Deadline:

The application for the Daewoong scholarship program usually opens in the early March for the international students. Each university has its own applications deadline and application criteria. Universities will set the deadline or last date for application submission.

Where To Apply For Daewoong Foundation GSP Scholarship 2023:

So to apply for the Daewoong scholarship program 2023 and to know more about the scholarship and applications deadline you can visit the official website here.